Core Fundamentals Of Christian Theology.
God's Truth is perfect and without contradiction, yet much of Christian logic lacks internal correctness.
If everything happens exactly as pre-planned by God then faith, charity and evangelism have no meaning.
Even after being Saved Christians remain in sin, which contests the belief of total and complete Salvation.
Jesus told us to be perfect and said we will do greater things than he, but believers typically ignore these words.
Seeking Truth Without Contradication.
Either the standard of perfection is absolute or it isn't. If it is, then this absolute standard applies to all perfect beings and all perfect things including God, Jesus and the Word. If God, Jesus or the Word could become imperfect then the standard of perfection is not absolute and perfection itself would be meaningless.
Truth itself as it exists within God as the Logos is perfect, which means without contradiction. You may find a person's teaching of the Truth, however, to be contradictory. If it is, then this is a clear indication that the person does not have a correct understanding of God's absolute and perfect Truth.
But your intellectualization of Scripture will not Save you. Even the most theologically ignorant Christian, or simple-hearted believer, is Saved as long as one's faith is in Christ. With the insights available through Scripture and inspiration of the Spirit, at Discerners Church we seek Truth Without Contradiction.
Media and Appearances.
Frequently Answered Questions.
If you are able to distinguish when the meaning of the words you are listening to or reading is false even before being able to clearly articulate how or why, and in doing so have subsequently been able to verify your intitial assertions, you are probably a Discerner. If you have the ability to understand when a person is lying to you or simply that what they are saying is in error even when they are speaking convincingly, you probably have been blessed with the gift of Discernement.
Discernment is the gift of the Holy Spirit which allows a person to distinguish good from evil and truthfulness from falsehood.
Even after receiving Salvation we need to become one with God. We need to become one with His Word, that is, with the Logos or Truth of God. Therefore, we need to be able to clearly understand His Word such that we embody it beyond just memorizing words from a book using our intellect.
As Discerners we are expected to live in truthfulness with God, to say 'No' to evil and, to help others do the same.
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God, our Creator, the One, is our eternally loving Heavenly Parent. Jesus is God's beloved Son, the resurrected Son of Man, and is our Way, Truth and Life. We are expected by God to excel in the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the sake of others and the establishment of the Kingdom. The Bible is the inspired Word of God and the Gospel is its central message.
Discerners Church is participating in the fulllfilment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth through Unity with God in Truth and Love and in co-operation with other believers who love God.
Truth Without Contradiction.
With God's blessing we find those who are born with the gift of Discernment, even if it is undeveloped, and help to bring it under the proper tutelage of God's perfect Love.